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Glossary of Terms

Post Time:2014-08-15

Accelerator 催化剂 - A material that accelerates the cross-linking, hardening or curing reaction of a mixture of polymers or resins.

Acrylic 丙烯酸的 - A powder coating material with a high content of a polymer consisting of short chain esters of several acrylic monomers.

Additive 添加剂 - A material added to a powder coating material to improve one or more properties.

Adhesion 附着力 - The firm attachment of a coating to a substrate or another coating.

Alkaline 碱性 - An environment that has the characteristic of being strongly basic (high pH).

Ambient Temperature 室温 - The usual, or surrounding, environmental conditions.

Anti-oxidant 抗氧化剂 - A compound added to powder coating materials to slow down the oxidation.

Application 应用 - The process of applying a powder coating material onto a substrates surface.

Binder 粘合剂 - The resin(s) as the main component of the powder that will polymerize later and binds the other components into the solid powder coating film.

Blooming 敷霜 - A haze on the surface of a coating which can be easily removed.

Bonding 粘合 - The firmly joining together of a powder coating film to the substrate or of two coating films.

Brightness 亮度 - The degree to which a surface reflects light (see Gloss).

Bulk Density 体积密度 - Mass per unit of volume including the air filled voids in the bulk material.

Caking 结块 - Agglomeration of individual powder particles or sticking of powder to walls or components of equipment.

Cartridge Filter 筒式过滤器 - A filter construction containing one or more cartridges that function as a filtering element.

Catalyst 催化剂 - See Accelerator.

Chalking 粉化 - Degradation of a coating due to UV exposure, which results in loss of color and gloss.

Classifier 分类器 - An equipment to separate particles from another fluidum, much like a cyclone, whereby the separation cut is adjustable, within a range, with an additional device.

Clear Coat 透明涂层 - A non-pigmented coating applied on a base metal such as aluminum or over a previously applied pigmented coating.

Coating Powder 熔敷粉末 - Powder material being a mixture of resin, pigment, filler and additives, for application on substrates with the objective to form a coating film thereafter. See also powder coating material.

Compatibility 兼容性 - The capacity of coating powders from either different sources or of different compositions when combined and applied which yield no visible or mechanically measurable differences in the cured film or application properties.

Composition 合成物 - The parts of a mixture, formulation or recipe, usually expressed as percentages.

Contamination 污染 - Any foreign material, such as soil, dirt or unwanted chemicals, that deteriorate the quality of the coating film.

Contrast Ratio 对比率 - A value related to the hiding power of a coating which must be reported at a specific film thickness; the ratio of the reflectance of a coating is measured over black and white backgrounds at the same film thickness; the results are measured as a numerical value – in general, a 0.98 contrast ratio is visually opaque; directly related to product pigmentation; minimum film thickness with full coverage of the substrate is critical (see also Hiding Power or Opacity).

Conversion Coating 转化膜 - Preparation process for metal substrates, with the help of iron, chromium or zinc, prior to powder coating application.

Conveyor 输送机 - A chain mechanism that transports the parts to be coated, in a hanging position, through all steps of the application process.

Corona Charging 电晕充电 - The induction of powder particles exposed to an electrostatic field generated by a high voltage device.

Corrosion 腐蚀 - Decomposition or reaction with oxygen, water, or other chemicals, when exposed to a particular environment.

Coverage 覆盖率 - Determines the m2 / kg @ 1.0 mil; adjust accordingly for other film thicknesses.

Cracking 裂化 - The arising of crevices or cuts in the surface of a coating film by chemical or mechanical influences.

Cratering 成坑 - The appearance of tiny pits (like mini craters) visible to the trained eye without enlargement at the surface of a powder coating film, usually due to some form of incompatibility.

Cross Contamination 交叉污染 - The deterioration of a coating film occurring when powders are used in mixed form when they are not compatible.

Cross-linking 交联 - The multi-directional linking together of resin molecules through chemical reactions, stimulated by a curing agent.

Cure Schedule 固化时间 - The time at temperature necessary for a coating to develop specific properties.

Curing 固化 - The hardening or cross-linking process.

Curing Agent 固化剂 - A cross-linker or hardener that stimulates the curing of a binder system.

Curing Oven 固化炉 - An oven in which the powder coated parts are exposed at the required temperature so that the cross-linking reaction can take place for a pre-determined time.

Cyclone 旋风 - A cylindrical type of equipment for separating particles from another fluidum applying centrifugal forces.

Deionized Water 去离子水 - Water which has been treated such that it does not contain water foreign ions.

Delamination 层离 - Separation between two layers of coating, or a coating and the substrate.

Dielectric Strength 绝缘强度 - Property of an insulating material where electrical breakdown occurs under specific conditions of test, expressed in volts per mil.

Disbondment or Blistering 剥离或起泡 - The effect, usually at the scribe, of blisters formed under a cured powder film.

Dispersion 散布 - A suspension or mixture of particles in another fluidum.

Distinctness of Image (DOI) 映像清晰度 - The sharpness of an image reflected by a coating’s surface.

Dwell Time 停留时间 - The length of time a part is in an oven.

Edge Coverage 边角覆盖 - The ability of a coating in its cured state to flow, build, and adhere to sharp corners, angles and edges.

Electrostatic Charging 静电电荷 - The process of transferring a static electric charge on powder particles.

Electrostatic Spray (Corona) Method 静电喷雾 (电晕) 方法 - The induction of powder particles exposed to an electrostatic field generated by a high voltage device.

Epoxy Resin 环氧树脂 - A thermosetting resin, produced on the basis of epichlorohydrin, which can be further polymerized by the addition of a hardener.

Extender 增量剂 - A type of pigment which also transmits special properties to a powder coating material.

Extrudate 挤出物 - The resulting product coming out of an extruder, be it in the initial molten form or the solidified state thereafter.

Extruder 挤出机 - A machine that mixes solid particles by using mechanical kneading and the subsequent heat-development until a molten fluidum is created of a homogeneous composition.

Faraday Cage Effect 法拉第效应 - The lack of penetration of powder particles into cavities or recessed areas of a substrate due to its configuration.

Fatty Edge 肥边 - Thicker than usual coating film to be found along edges of a flat substrate.

Ferrous 含铁的 - Metal containing an amount of iron.

Field Lines 场力线 - Imaginable lines of force in an energy field (e.g. electrostatic).

Filiform 丝状的 - Corrosion or creep resembling a thread-like formation.

Filler 填料 - Inorganic inert material; also extender or certain pigments.

Film Thickness 膜厚度 - Height of a cured coating film measured in microns.

Fines 细料 - Small powder particles, usually less than 10 microns.

Flash Rust 闪锈 - A molecular film of rust appearing on a steel surface within minutes after pre-treatment.

Flexibility (Mandrel Bend Test) 柔韧性 (芯轴弯曲试验) - Measures a coatings’ bend capability over a given shape.

Flow 流动 - Measure of self-leveling; the nature of a coating which allows it to level or spread into a smooth film of uniform thickness before hardening.

Fluidity 流动度 - The degree to which powder coating material can be brought to fluidization.

Fluidized Bed 流化床 - Container in which powder is kept suspended in air continuously.

Gel Time 凝胶时间 - The interval of time at a given temperature required for a material to be transformed from a dry solid, through a liquid state, to a gel-like condition; measured in seconds at a given temperature.

Gloss 光泽度 - Surface reflection of directed light, measured in units; the most common angle of measurement is 60°; a 20° angle should also be considered for certain full gloss formulations and an 85° angle for low gloss products.

Grounding 接地 - The principle of bringing the electrical potential in equilibrium with a neutral mass.

Hardener 硬化剂 - See curing agent.

Hardness 硬度 - The ability of a cured powder coating film to withstand the penetration of a standardized object.

Hazardous 有害的 - A condition of contact or case of presence in which a risky, dangerous or less healthy or toxic situation is created.

Hiding Power 复盖能力 - The extent to which a powder coating masks the color and pattern of the surface to which it is applied at a given film thickness (see also Contrast Ratio or Opacity).

Humidity Resistance 耐湿热性 - Measures a coating’s ability to withstand exposure to 100% relative humidity at various temperatures.

Hybrid 混合物 - A polyester or acrylic powder coating material which has been epoxy-modified.

Hygroscopic 吸湿性 - The tendency of a substance to attract or absorb moisture from the air.

Impact Resistance (Direct / Reverse) 抗冲击性 (正 / 反向) - Measures a coating’s ability to withstand a force; expressed in Nm; results can be affected by type of substrate, film thickness, or diameter of indenter.

Incompatibility 不兼容性 - The impossibility of powders to be used and applied in a mixture of any composition, without any visible or mechanically measurable differences of the resulting powder coating film when compared to the virgin materials.

Infrared (IR) Cure 红外固化 - A method of curing powder which utilizes direct exposure to light energy in the IR region of the light spectrum.

Infrared Radiation 红外线 - Energy in the infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum just above the visible light range.

Inhibitor 抗化剂 - An additive used to delay or neutralize a chemical reaction.

Inorganic 无机的 - The sort of materials not containing carbon compounds such as metals and its derivatives.

Inter-coat Adhesion 层间粘合 - The ability of a coating to adhere to previously applied films.

Leveling 流平 - A powder’s ability to flow into a smooth, uniform thickness (free from defects).

Mandrel Bend Test 芯轴弯曲试验 - A mechanical method for testing the flexibility of a coating film applied on a standardized sample plate.

Mar Resistance 耐损性 - A coating’s ability to withstand contact without blemishing.

Metal Temperature 金属温度 - The temperature of a part at any time during the cure cycle; varies based upon mass of part and dwell time.

Metamerism 条件等色 - A definition applicable to a coating film when its color appears different when viewed in light of varying wavelengths.

Micron 微米 - Standard unit of measuring a coating film thickness. 1/1000 of 1mm.

Micronizing 微粉化 - Grinding powder to the range of microns.

Monomer 单分子物体 - A molecule that has the ability to chemically react with another monomer by forming a long chain of identical sections, the so called polymer.

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) 材料安全数据表 - A Material Safety Data Sheet provides the hazardous components, other safety and health hazards, protection equipment and first-aid procedures.

Nonferrous 非铁的 - A material containing no iron.

Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) 职业接触限值 - The Occupational Exposure Limit relates to the exposure limit by inhalation and refers to the concentration of hazardous materials in the atmospheric air.

Opacity 不透明度 - The ability to hide the underlying substrate at a given film thickness (see also Contrast Ratio or Hiding Power).

Orange Peel 橘皮皱 - A surface appearance which has an irregular appearance similar to the skin of an orange and is generally caused by restricted the limited flowing ability of the powder coating material.

Organic 有机的 - The sort of materials containing carbon compounds such as many resins, certain pigments and additives, etc.

Overbake 烘烤过度 - The application of heat using more time and / or temperature than is required for cure which often causes the coating to become too brittle; color and gloss may be adversely affected.

Overcuring 过熟化 - The application of higher than recommended curing values (temperature, time or both).

Overspray 喷涂过量 - Material not deposited on the part or rack; it may be recovered with the appropriate equipment.

Particle Size Distribution 粒度分布 - The overall range of particles (from coarse to fine) resulting from the grinding process; measured in microns; varies with product.

Passivation 钝化 - Chemical treatment of a metallic surface with the objective to make it less reactive.

Pencil Hardness 铅笔硬度 - Relative rating of a coating’s ability to resist scratching; measured as mar and / or gouge.

Penetration 渗透度 - Ability of particles to penetrate towards and onto the surfaces of Faraday cage like areas such as cavities and recesses.

Phosphating Preparation 磷化准备 - Process for metal substrates, in the form of a conversion coating using iron (chromium) or zinc, and forming an inert phosphate coating film, prior to the application of powder coating material.

Pickling 酸洗 - A cleaning step of hot rolled steel plate, usually carried out in the steel mill, to remove the milling scale before the metal is oiled to protect it from corroding.

Pinhole 针孔 - The appearance of tiny holes (like from a needle) visible to the eye without enlargement at the surface of a powder coating film, usually due to the insufficient ability of gasses to escape from the molten film during curing.

Polyester 聚酯 - A thermosetting resin, saturated carboxyl or hydroxyl terminated, which can be further polymerized by the addition of a hardener.

Polymer 聚合物 - A long molecule that has been formed out of a large series of monomers by a chemical reaction.

Polymerization 聚合反应 - The reaction in which a large molecule (polymer) is formed by chemically binding identical sections (monomers) to a long chain.

Powder Coating 粉末涂料 - The application of powder coating material on substrates in order to form a coating film thereafter.

Powder Coating Material 粉末涂料 - The ultimate dry solid compound including all necessary ingredients, ground to powder and ready to be applied as a coating material on a given substrate.

Powder Pump 粉末泵 - A lifting and moving device that applies air for transporting either powder from one container to another or towards an operating device.

Premixing 预先混合 - The mixing and size reduction of all necessary raw materials for the production of powder coating material prior to feeding them to the extruding step.

Pretreatment 前处理 - The preparation of a part prior to the application of a coating powder in order to improve adhesion and corrosion resistance.

Primer 底漆 - A coating applied to a surface to improve adhesion of a topcoat and / or improve corrosion resistance.

QUV 耐人工老化 - Accelerated weathering test performed at elevated temperatures in which coated panels are exposed to regular cycles of intense UV light alternated with dark cycles where water is allowed to condense on the panels.

Radiation Curing 辐射固化 - The application of energy-rays of a particular range of the electromagnetic spectrum for curing of a coating layer.

Recoatability 重涂性 - A cured coating’s ability to accept another coat.

Recovery 回收 - The entire process step of the powder application process in which the non-deposited powder is reclaimed, recycled and added to the virgin powder for re-use.

Recycling 回收利用 - The action in the powder recovery step of the powder application process by which the reclaimed powder is fed back.

Reflectance 反射比 - The percent of light reflected at a given wavelength; the illuminant, degree of observer and the wavelength must be specified; color (not gloss) dependent – whites will have the highest values.

Reflectivity 反射率 - The reflectance of a coating at a film thickness such that any further increase in thickness will not affect the amount of light reflected.

Resin 树脂 - A thermosetting resin is an organic material, be it from a natural or a synthetic source, can be further cross-linked or polymerized by the addition of a hardener.

Respirator 口罩 - Safety breathing face mask.

Rework 返工 - A correction procedure to correct shortcomings on a powder coated article.

Salt Spray Test 中性盐雾试验 - The degree of corrosion determined at the scribe based upon a prescribed time period; should be tested with a control.

Scale 鳞 - Rust layer on steel originating from the hot roll steel milling process.

Service Temperature (Continuous or Intermittent) 操作温度 (连续或间歇) - The temperature which a finish is able to withstand for an extended period of time or number of cycles without degradation.

Shelf Life 保质期 - The period of time a coating retains its application and appearance properties if stored according to the manufacturer’s recommended conditions.

Sieve 筛 - A screening mechanism applying a wire mesh to separate a certain portion out of too coarse or contaminated material.

Softening Point 软化点 - The temperature at which a resin or a powder coating material first starts to melt.

Solvent 溶剂 - A liquid of one or more components often applied in the liquid paint industry to dissolve paints.

Specific Gravity 比重 - The density of a formulation relative to water.

Spray Booth 喷漆柜 - A special cabin in which powder coating material is sprayed, manually or automatically, onto substrates under strictly controlled conditions.

Stripping 剥离 - The procedure to remove a coating film from a substrate in order to be recoated.

Substrate 底物 - The article or product to be powder coated.

Surfactant 表面活性剂 - Chemical additive to control the surface tension of a material.

Taber Abrasion 漆膜耐磨性 - Resistance to wear.

Temperature Stability 温度稳定性 - Appearance and adhesion after a period of time at a prescribed temperature and film build.

TGIC 异氰尿酸三缩水甘油酯 - Triglycidyl Isocyanurate is a curing agent for carboxyl terminated resins.

Thermoplastic 热塑性 - A powder coating which will repeatedly melt when subjected to heat and solidify when cooled.

Thermoset 热固性 - A powder coating which, when subjected to heat, undergoes an irreversible chemical reaction during the cure cycle.

Touch-up 补漆 - The repair of small damages on a coating film or the paint to be used for that purpose.

Toxic 有毒的 - Poisonous.

Transfer Efficiency 转移效率 - The amount of powder attracted to the part compared to the amount of powder sprayed; measured as a percentage.

Triboelectric Spray Method 摩擦电喷雾方法 - Powder particles receive an electric charge through the use of frictional contact with a nonconductive material.

Ultra Violet Stabilizer 紫外线稳定剂 - A chemical additive that absorbs part of the UV radiation in the sunlight.

Ultraviolet Radiation (UV) 紫外线 - Light energy from the UV region of the light spectrum which can break certain chemical bonds and contribute to the fading and wear of coatings.

Undercured 固化不完全 - The application of an insufficient curing temperature, time or both.

Urethane 聚氨酯 - A thermosetting hydroxyl functional resin, usually reacted with an isocyanic curing agent.

Virgin Material 纯净原材料 - Powder which has not been mixed with reclaim material.

Virgin Powder 新粉末 - Fresh powder coating material directly from the supplier not containing any reclaim.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) 挥发性有机化合物 - Carbon compounds which can undergo an atmospheric photochemical reaction, contributing to air pollution and causing ozone depletion.

Water Resistance 抗水性 - A coating’s ability to withstand immersion in water at prescribed temperatures for specified time periods.

Weatherability 耐气候性 - Degradation caused by humidity, temperature, and exposure to sunlight.

Weld Splatter 焊瘤 - Contaminations left behind on a metal surface after welding such as slag or beads.

Yellowing 泛黄 - Development of a yellow color or cast of a coating due to aging or cure variables; more evident in light colored formulations.